Thursday, December 18, 2008

Official 2 year stats!

Nate had his 2 year appointment today. He's 36.25 in tall (90th percentile) and 30.5lbs (80th percentile). His head measurement is finally in the 55th percentile (he's been in the 25th for a while...)- he's a normal, perfect healthy boy! If anyone has any tips on how we can get him to brush his teeth (or actually LIKE to brush his teeth) we're all ears!!!

Stayed tuned for more holiday pictures!

On a sad note, Mike's Grandma (GG) passed away last night/early this morning after a long tough battle with cardiac complications. She's a fighter, and has left a wonderful legacy through her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I feel privileged that Nate got to meet his great grandmother. May she rest in peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about Mike's grandmother!! We'll keep you guys in our prayers.