Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some pictures....

As promised! Enjoy!!

Monday, January 14, 2008


I swear I have some more pictures of Nate, I just haven't had time to download them yet, and since I"m currently at work and my camera is currently at home, I'm unable to down load pictures now.

Two things for today 1) Can Toddlers grow a couple of inches in one weekend? I say that because both Mike and I noticed this morning that Nate's head is officially above the top of the high chair when he's sitting in it.... His budda belly has receded- so I'm thinking that he grew out and then UP! AND I thought I'd be good for a bit with 18month clothing... I'm noticing that 18 month onesies might not last us much longer....he's too long.... I put one on him this morning and it looks like a scoop neck tee shirt! AHHHH!!! So either I"ll have to go with shirts that aren't onsies, or get some 24month shirts... luckily it looks like the 18mon pants will last a little while longer. No wonder he had a crabby night on Saturday night- he must have been growing! I asked him this morning to get me the pig (small plastic animal) and he went and found it and brought it to me. He waves, he blows kisses regularly now. He knows how to smell flowers, and he can identify his slippers from his shoes. He makes a "fishy" face, and can currently (though not regularly yet) make sounds for: duck, dog, cow and a pig. And, he says "Touch Down" for any sports what so ever. I have a video clip of him saying it, though its a weak one- I need to try and catch him saying it like he typically does. (Yes, he says "touch down", though he hasn't said "momma" yet.) He does the sign language symbals for: hungry, eat, all done, juice and down. He can find his head, his nose, his knee, his foot and his belly. And, thanks to Little John, he has the hand gesture for "I don't know". Though last night when we were putting him to bed, and the cat wasn't there (Max typically comes in to say good night), Nate was pointing to where the cat usually sits and was doing the "I don't know/where" gesture-as if to say "Where's the cat?" a complex thought. He amazes us with everything he comes up with. He can point out pictures of- ball, slide, dog, bus, pig, chicken, cow, sheep, monkey, car and a lion. He's also learning to put away his books and toy cars. Anyway, just wanted to share!

ok, and (drum roll please....) the second item I'd like to update you on is...... Nate's cousin (our nephew) will be arriving from Ethiopia within the next 6 weeks! (exact date is TBD at this moment....) Since the adoption is officially, well official, I can post the picture of Kai! :) The family is having a baby shower this coming weekend to help Mel and Kev stock up! :)

That's all for now, I'll try and post some more pictures soon!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sorry I haven't updated through out the last week- its been a whirlwind of a week. We went down to Chambersburg to spend before Christmas with Mike's family- went down to VA (I stayed in Chambersburg to work on my dissertation), came back to Chambersburg (he had a fever for most of the time we were in C-burg and VA-but was better by Christmas), then headed to Lancaster to spend the rest of the week with my parents. We left Nate with my parents for Friday and Saturday and they brought him back up to State College on Sunday so that Mike and I could finally unpack and settle our house a bit more. Nate had ear tubes put in at the Geisinger Facility in Danville on Monday Dec 31st. We had to get up at 4am to get him to Danville for his 6:45am reporting in time- needless to say that Mike and I were wiped and went to bed early- so the ringing in of the New Year was quite low key this year. Santa was ridiculously good to Nate (and us for that matter) this year- I have some pictures and videos of him the last week. Nate's doing great after his surgery- you wouldn't even know he had them. For all of you who didn't know, Nate has been on 8 rounds of antibiotics since Oct, for he had major fluid in his ears that wouldn't clear, and thus he kept getting ear infections. We couldn't get him into the ENT (ears, nose and throat) doctor up here in State College until March (which we weren't going to wait that long for...there are so many antibiotics, tylenol and advil that a kid can have in his lifetime, let alone in a 6 months)- we were able to get him into the Geisinger Facility in Danville PA ( about 1 hour 30 min from SC) for his consult on Dec 19th, which it was evident that he needed tubes and she got him into surgery for Dec 31st, thank goodness! Hopefully this will help us avoid ear infections for the rest of the season.

I'm sorry that I didn't get to send out Christmas cards this year either- it doesn't mean we love any of you less- we've just been ridiculously busy- i.e. sick kid, buying/selling a house, working on my dissertation etc.... Hopefully you've been able to get your "Nate" fix here on the blog. Hopefully as the writing of my dissertation progresses and the house gets settled, I'll have more time to keep in touch!

Enjoy the pictures and videos! :)

Puffs with Papa

Playing music from Great Nana and Pa

AND..... the ball pit from Grammie and Papa- more of this to come....

Nate sitting in the sled that Grandma and Granddad gave him....

That's our little angel!

Here is Nate helping Grandma to open her gift.....

This is Nate's "special" tree- notice the legos and cheerios that decorate the tree.... he also didn't leave the hat on long for the outfit....

Hopefully this is a video of Nate and the ball pit/slide

Nate helping Daddy put together the ball pit/slide....

(Yes, he has learned how to sit down to slide down....)

Nate's tree at home! :)

That's all folks! More to come....