Whew- it has been hot and sticky here in good ol' State College. No central AC for the new place either....we're trying to figure out how to keep it cooler inside.... though it does manage to stay cooler inside than out, it is still wicked hot inside. I haven't posted for a couple of weeks- sorry about that...but I've been busy. T-minus 4 days until my committee gets my dissertation, and T-minus 15 days until my final defense on June 23rd. Yup, I'm tired and my brain doesn't want to work anymore, but the end is near. So we push on. Its a family effort! Here are some pictures and commentary from the last couple of weeks. Nate's been great- saying new things we didn't know he knew every day....
Nate eating a snack on Papa's lap....Grey is hard to wear when you're still drooling...heh....
Our sadistic little man with power tools! (Well, a totally safe version that is....) I swear we get the weirdest looks on camera!
Here's Nate sharing his toy name train that Pa built with the cat... Max wasn't too sure what to think about this, but Nate put all the pieces one by one next to the cat... sorry that I don't have a good picture of the full train yet... I'll try to get that up on here to show you...
And here's the final cumulation of the Nate train by Max....
Nate found a unique seat while playing.... he turned this block over and took the lid off of his lego set and was pulling out legos and building with them!
I realize that there are other pictures I should post...but that's all for now! Enjoy!
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