Friday, May 16, 2008

Time sure flies.....

When you're having fun.... or, er... working on your dissertation.......Wow- I realize I haven't posted on here in a week or so.... We got a couple of good pictures the past couple of days.

After Nate got through his colds, both Mike and I had a couple of doosies.....we're just now getting over them. Other than that, there's not much else going on here. The weather keeps switching on us - nice one day, crappy rainy cold the next. Hopefully more nice days are in the forcast than crappy ones.

Anyway, enough about weather... enjoy the pictures!

Don't blink- you never know what this guy is going to get into.... choose your battles, I just let him pull the stuff out....

Pullin' out the baggies- all of them

Here mama- here's some oatmeal for you!

"Hat! Hat!" Oh, wait its a cereal box...

Yup, definitely a cereal box (and yes he previously drooled on the chair....)

I love this picture - he actually turned and smiled at the camera instead of squinting!

Ok, so this duck tub is getting a little small.....

Blowing bubbles.....

Bubble beard!

...and so proud of it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Just long enough....

Nate's been pretty healthy the whole month of April, but just when we think we're clear for the summer.... I think he just has one last hang on cold... lots of coughing etc.... So between him and the cat last night (wonderful to wake up to a hairball being hacked...and then an hour an a half later the cat is meowing because he's out of food interspersed with Nate coughing here and there......) we're pretty pooped today. It could be worse. Anyway, just want to share some photos from this last weekend!

Yes, he's the least photogenic when the flash goes off....

These are some film strip photo booth type pictures of mom and son- see any family resemblence?

Back shot.... Definitely has Mr. Dozer in a precarious position....

Front shot! But he's so proud of it!

Even the cat closes his eyes when the flash goes off....he looks pretty comfortable on Nate's chair...

But Nate didn't like him being on his chair.... needless to say that Max is the most tolerant cat ever....

Yup, you got your chair back for the .43 seconds you stayed there....

He is "yellow" i.e. coloring... when he says "yellow" you know he wants to color....

Is he a lefty?

Or a righty? Only time will tell....right now he switches back and forth...

Grandma and Nate.... isn't it a reallly good picture of Grandma? I thought so....

Grandma and Nate out for a walk...

Now, Granddad and Nate out for a walk....

Nate and Dad playing ball...

And yes, Nate and his hoe......Glad we had a light jacket back up, his red one got muddy from the day before... he is a boy after all!!

Yup, a boy and his hoe.....I know what you're thinking! No they didn't have a kid shovel or a rake when we bought this....heehee.....